Thursday, February 24, 2011

My ACT test score:



Saturday, February 19, 2011


This week has been very chill, which I really haven't minded, since last week was so crazy.

Pretty much the only non-boring thing I did this week was yesterday. I went to my friends surprise salsa eighteenth birthday party last night, and it was pretty fun. There was some really nice salsa (like, with tomatoes, lol) and some really tasty salsa (this time meaning dancing). Also, several hot boys from the dance team were there. I felt like the worst dancer in the world dancing with them, just cause they were so GOOD. And a couple guys I like were there too, and they dance well too. =D

I really should be cleaning... I'm just taking a short break to write this. I must keep telling myself that. Or I will stay on here for an hour, like I did earlier. O.O

So anyway, there's a short update on my life. :D

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Here there be ranting...

I'm sorry, but I really need to rant. If you don't want to read a bunch of boring Shakespeare nonsense, feel free to stop reading here. I won't blame you.

First, you must know that I love Shakespeare. I do. I love reading Shakespeare, acting Shakespeare, discussing Shakespeare.... yeah. I've been taking a Shakespeare class every year (but one) since I was twelve. In each class we'd read and discuss a play, put on a play, and learn about Shakespeare's time. That kind of jazz. In my first year, I was the priest in Twelfth Night. Now, even if you've read/watched it, you might ask 'What priest?' Yeah. That's how small a part it was. My second year I got a little bigger part. I got Holofernes in Love's Labours Lost. You still probably don't recognize that part because of it's minuscule size. My third year (and I swear, this history does have a point) I got Caliban, the drunk monster-person. My fourth year I got Hippolyta, queen of the Amazons, and Duke Theseus' fiance in Midsummer Night's Dream.

This last year, my fifth year, I am the only 'old' person left. Everyone from all the other plays I've been in have moved on. Gotten too old, or too busy to participate. So, for the sake of the play, I joined the class again, hoping that, as a senior class member, I might actually get a good part. That's how it has worked in times past. When I was 12, the 16, 17, 18 year olds got all the big cool parts. When I was 13, the same age group got the good parts. And so on. Last year, almost all of the cast were between 15 and 18, so I wasn't that surprised when some of the shorter, smaller, and generally better looking girls got the better parts. Even so, though I wasn't a main lover, there are three couples in Midsummer Night's Dream, and I was one half of one of them. It was a fairly good part.

But this year, there is a different director. And this year, here son and daughter are part of the cast. Her daughter has never been in a play before, and this is her son's second play. In the last (and only) play he was in, the one year I didn't participate, he had a medium to small part. This year we set out to put on The Merchant of Venice.

In case you haven't read/watched it, here's a *short* summary, lol. Bassanio, who has spent all his own money, has devised a clever plan to get money back. He asks his merchant friend, Antonio, for money so that he can go woo the ever-so-intelligent-and-beautiful Portia. But, of course, he needs to soup up his duds so that he has a chance among all the princes and dukes and such that are always calling on her. Antonio doesn't have the money to lend to him at the moment, but they go to a neighborhood usurer (money lender) to ask for money. The usurer, Shylock, is a Jew, and has been spurned and insulted by Christians all throughout his life, and was, in fact, spat on by Antonio a few days before. Nevertheless, he agrees to lend Antonio money. If Antonio can't pay him back in time, they 'jokingly' agree that Shylock will be entitled to a pound of Antonio's flesh.

Bassanio takes off to woo Portia, gains her heart and marries her. Meanwhile, while he's gone, Shylock's daughter, Jessica, runs away with a Christan, taking with her a good portion of Shylock's money. Shylock, who has put up with so much from the Christians is driven to distraction by his daughter's betrayal. He decides that all Christians are to blame for his current misfortune, and, when he finds out that Antonio's ships have all gone down, he is delighted. He decides to take out his hurt and anger at Jessica's elopement on Antonio. Bassanio, happy and oblivious with Portia, receives a letter letting him know that Antonio is going to die for his debt, the payment being a pound of flesh. He hurries back to try and save his friend, but Shylock won't take his money. He wants only his promised pound of flesh. Unknown to Bassanio, Portia has come too, to try her hand at saving Antonio. And it is through her cleverness that Shylock is defeated and Antonio saved.

Guess who got the parts of Portia and Shylock, the two biggest parts in the play?

If you said the director's daughter and son, you guessed correctly. And guess what part I got?

Jessica. The eloping daughter. And the guy I run away with? Played by a girl.

Oh, the awkwardness.

So, I'm not really learning anything new, having learned it all five times over; I've read all the plays on the syllabus; I hate my part; the director's daughter (who, did I mention, is 12?) is so smugly convinced of her own importance... Ugh.

It deserved a rant.

Anyway, I just got fed up and quit today, because I really need to be spending my time on getting ready for college, and the class wasn't benefiting my education, or my mood, in any way. I'm really rather sad. Like I said, I love Shakespeare. And, for the first time, I actually thought and hoped that I would get a lead part. And I've never quit a class before, it's rather disheartening.

Ugh. UGH. UGH!

So, yeah. That's my rant.