A few weeks before my birthday I had a bit of a pout party. I was upset that I had managed to reach adulthood without once being thrown a surprise party. Childish, I know. But so it was. When my mom pointed out that I hadn't actually turned eighteen yet, and that it was still possible that I could get a surprise birthday party, I basically told her that I knew I wouldn't be getting one because only she and dad knew how much I wanted one and neither of them was creative or sneaky enough to pull one off. Whereupon, she admitted that they had actually been planning a surprise party, but now that I knew about it, obviously, it couldn't happen. Of course, that didn't improve my mood much. It seemed I had spoiled my one chance for a surprise party.
So, expecting that this birthday would be my most boring birthday yet (no party, surprise or otherwise, no presents -- Mom forgot to order them until a few days before, and even then I ended up actually doing the ordering), I stayed up the night before, just satisfied with the knowledge that I would be allowed to sleep in the next day.
But, it was not to be. At half past eight the next morning, my brother called to tell my Happy Birthday and talk over some dates for me to come visit. I didn't know when would be best, so I went to find my mom so she could talk to him about it. When I found her, she seemed unnecessarily stress over the fact that he had woken me up. She ordered me back to bed, and I, having a great love for my sleep, obliged her. I couldn't get back to sleep though, and so laid there, wondering why Mom had been so worried that I was up. I figured she was making me breakfast in bed or something as a surprise, and stayed put.
It was a great surprise, then, when, a half an hour later, my door opened and about ten of my girl friends, all dressed in pajamas, filed into my room, singing 'Happy Birthday.' After I recovered from the shock, we went to the only restaurant in my town and had a delicious breakfast together. The whole time, my mom kept saying things like, "So now you've had your surprise party! Were you surprised?" Afterward, one of my friends mentioned something about trying to come over later.
I spent a good part of my birthday lazing about on the couch), then, in the late afternoon, my mom suddenly took it into her head that I should go visit my sister, so I could hold my favorite 'birthday present,' my niece, and that my dad should go with me. A bit confused, but alright with that idea, I went. But while I sat with my adorable little 'present,' I had plenty of time to think about my mom's sudden decision to get me out of the house, my friend's odd statement that she'd 'try to make it over, later,' and my mom's earlier insistence that I'd had my surprise party.
When, after about an hour, my dad received a text apparently telling him it was safe to come home, I had it pretty well figured out. So when I was met with a few Surprise!-yelling girls and a book-shaped cake met me at home, I wasn't nearly as surprised, but I *was* immensely satisfied to see that my Sherlock Holmes-esque deduction had been correct. We had a great time, ate a bunch of pizza, played games, talked, and had a lot of fun. A few of my guy friends came by for a few minutes each, too, and that was nice.
After they left, I found in my email a lovely long email from my other brother (who is in a foreign country right now, and who I miss terribly).
All in all, I had a lovely eighteenth birthday!
Oh, and has anyone seen Source Code? Crazy movie. Insane and Brilliant.